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自助杂志 -  0032期

                First Snow in Alsace*
                                         Richard Wilbur (1921- )

The snow came down last night
Like moths burned on the moon*;
It fell till dawn,
Covered the town with simple cloths*.

Absolute snow lies rumpled on
What shellbursts scattered and deranged,
Entangled railings, crevassed lawn*.

As if it did not know they'd changed*,
Snow smoothly clasps the roofs of homes
Fear-gutted, trustless and estranged*.

The ration stacks are milky domes*;
Across the ammunition pile
The snow has climbed in sparkling combs*.

You think: beyond the town a mile
Or two, this snowfall fills the eyes
Of soldiers dead a little while.*

Persons and persons in disguise*,
Walking the new air white and fine,
Trade glances quick with shared surprise*.

At children's windows, heaped, benign,
As always, winter shines the most,
And frost makes marvelous designs*.

The night guard coming from his post,
Ten first-snows back in thought, walks slow
And warms him with a boyish boast*:

He was the first to see the snow*.         











