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自助杂志 -  0029期

The new big thing?

 WHILE some people call them silly rubbish, others regard them as a valuable collectables. Whatever people think about them, they cannot deny the popularity of the minibook.
 From coffee houses to local shops, from florists to garages, the tiny books are sold everywhere in the US.
 According to the American Miniature Book Society, a book should be no more than 7.35 centimeters tall, wide or thick. This gives minibooks the nickname pocket book or hand book.
 Tiny as they are, the books have covered almost all the popular topics include celebrity biographies, pets and dieting.
 Running Press, who have published 40 million minibooks in the US, said that "A Little Sip of Chicken Soup for the Soul" has been one of the top-sellers for years.
 "You can put the book into your pocket and look at it any time. It's almost like having a breath mint," said Paul Riders, a 14-year-old boy in New York City.
 Today's tiny books are just fancy greeting cards. "If there's too much text in the books, they don't sell." said Evelyn Beilenson of Running Press.
 In addition, some of the tiny books come with toys, such as little dolls or a wind bell.
 Publishers are competing to find new ways to sell the books to the public. This autumn, minibooks with stereoscopic covers and sound chips will be released. So a book on kissing makes the right kind of sound and a cookbook says "delicious" when a button is pressed.
 While mini-books have become a big business, there are few people who would believe that these books date back to 15th century. Then minibooks were used to test the skills of apprentice printers, who had to set the tiny type on very small pages.
 Their small size made them popular with travelers. The earliest books were Bibles, but by the 17th and 18th centuries, the list of topics ranged from hunting guides to poetry. Napoleon once carried a mobile library of the books into battle.
 In 1969, NASA sent a minibook to the moon on Apollo 11. More recently, a Ukrainian artist built a microscopic book of poetry held together with a spider's web. This minibook was small enough to pass through the eye of a needle.
 A fashion or a lasting treasure, who knows what the future has in store for the minibook?
 While the minibook is sold well in the US, it is also becoming popular in China.
florist  n.种花人                                  centimeters  n. 厘米
stereoscopic: adj.实体镜的,有立体感的            Ukrainian: adj.乌克兰的, 乌克兰人(语)
microscopic: adj. 微型的

  已在美国出版了4千万册迷你书的Running Press出版社称,《心灵鸡汤》迷你版多年来一直保持着畅销地位。
  “迷你型《心灵鸡汤》可随身携带,随时翻阅,就像一粒清新的薄荷糖,”来自纽约的14岁男孩Paul Ridberg如此说。
  现在的很多迷你书印得像明信片一样漂亮。“如果文字过多,迷你书一定不会畅销,”Running Press出版社的Evelyn Beilenson如是说。
