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自助杂志 -  0026期

'Lord of the Rings' Scenes to Debut on AOL

Film studio New Line Cinema, a unit of AOL Time Warner Inc., has said it will debut the promotional trailer for "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on sister company AOL.

The trailer, a compilation of scenes from the upcoming movie, will be available for a 24-hour period beginning at one minute after midnight, EDT, on Monday, September 30, New Line said in a statement issued on Tuesday.

"Two Towers" is the second movie based on the classic J.R.R. Tolkien novels about an epic struggle between good and evil in the fictional land of Middle-earth that is inhabited by elves, hobbits and wizards.

The first film, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring," debuted in theaters last fall and became a major blockbuster, raking in $860 million in global ticket sales to become No. 5 of all time on worldwide box office charts.

In April 2000, New Line previewed film clips from "Fellowhip of the Ring" on the movie's own Web site, and 1.7 million downloads were logged in the first 24 hours.

AOL's other moviemaking unit, Warner Bros., used a similar strategy with upcoming film, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."

The new "Harry Potter" is the follow-up to last fall's other smash hit movie, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," which hit No. 2 on the all-time worldwide box office charts with $965 million.


先睹为快: 《指环王》第二部即将发行预告片
美国在线时代华纳公司(AOL Time Warner Inc.)旗下的美国新线电影公司日前宣布,备受瞩目的影片《指环王第二部:双城奇谋》的宣传预告片即将在美国在线(AOL)的网站上正式登场。







debut: n.v.初次登场, 开张          
trailer: n.宣传片,为电影做广告的简短影片  
compilation: n.编辑                
elves: n.爱恶作剧的孩子, 侏儒(elf的复数形式)
hobbit: n.(英国作家J. R. R. Tolkien笔下的) 穴居矮人
wizard: n.神汉, 男巫              
blockbuster: n.(破坏力极大的)巨型炸弹, 一鸣惊人者
rake in: v.迅速取得              
box office charts: 票房排行榜
smash :adj.出色的
