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自助杂志 -  0020期

当人们要讲述别人的生活或者谈论别人的事情时,常常使用第三人称进行记叙,其中代词 “he”, “she”, “it”, 以及 “they” 用来说明故事的主人公是谁。上次我们读的一篇小寓言就用了第三人称,以后我们还会看一些这一类的文章。但是今天,我们先来看怎样用第一人称写记叙文。


The Last Fiesta

Zero hour drew near, and I was escorted to the ringside. There was no turning back now. But I bid myself take courage. Had I not been told that every man in the village would be there? If anything went wrong I would have plenty of support. So I took off my jacket, made a few preliminary passes, ducked into the ring, and waited. Then the church clock struck twelve, and a great cry went up. At the far end of the ring, where the bullpens were, I saw a couple of men fumble with a padlock, then skip for shelter. The next moment, a young bull came rocketing forth, small and black as a meteor, his sharp heels kicking up high in the air, his stiff gold tail like sparks behind him.

Slowly, holding my jacket like a shield, I stepped forward to meet him. I was warm with cognac and felt no fear. Then the bull turned in a flurry of sand, pulled up, and looked at me. It was only then that I realized that I was alone in the ring. The boys of the village, on whom I had built my pride, not one was there, all were behind the rails waiting and watching, and here I was, alone. The watching bull had lowered his head right down. His two red eyes smoked with moving fires, his tail switched slowly, his black horns stroked the air. Keep still, I said, and move your jacket thus; for bulls are simpletons, they never charge the man, only the moving cape.

Suddenly I felt the glamour of being there, with the encircling crowd, electric and still, and we drawing their eyes like two poles in a magnetic field. So I stood my ground and moved the jacket slowly, inviting the bull to charge. He watched me slyly, lowered his head still further, blew with his rosy nostrils in the sand and pawed the ground delicately with his hoof. Then, in a rush, he made up his mind. With a snort of pleasurable anger he charged me across the ring, jaunty as a tug in bucking water. Nearer and nearer he came, kicking up the sand like spray. I kept my feet together and moved the jacket slowly to the right. Then something terrible went wrong. For at the last moment, instead of following the cape, he turned sharply, rolling his eyes, and caught me head on with his hard, black skull.

I remember being conscious of no pain at all, only of the high, excited screams of the women and of a sense of utter surprise and let-down. This was not at all what was supposed to have happened. Somebody wasn't playing the game. Instinctively, I grasped his horns, like the handlebars of a bicycle, and hung there grimly, while he carried me across the ring, bounced me a couple of times on his cranium, and then dropped me in a heap on the sand.
He left me where I fell and trotted arrogantly away. So I picked myself up, retrieved my tattered jacket, and turned to face him again. The sun shone blue on his steaming flanks. I heard the dry, excited chatter of the crowd. I heard the cries of my two companions urging me to get out of it quick. But I could not; there were faces to be saved. Besides I was feeling cross; that first toss had been a mistake, a miscalculation, but it would not happen again.

So I stamped my foot and shouted (though not very loud) and the bull turned and looked at me again, rather disdainfully, and flicked his tail, and did nothing. This was even more embarrassing. So, croaking, I raised my voice, and began to jump up and down; and at last the beast obliged. It was all over very quickly. He came at me head down, very fast; I made great play with my cape; but this time, with impudent humour, he ignored it altogether, caught me fair and square between the horns and tossed me right across the ring. Fortunately he was a pacific bull, content to teach his own wry lessons in his own way, so again he turned aside and let me lie.

By that time there was nothing I wanted to do so much as crawl away and hide. But having picked myself up, and regained my breath and examined my battered bones, I saw that the bull was now busy entertaining the crowd by chasing two men who had at last come to my aid. So I allowed myself one final gesture. Sidling up behind him, while he was friskily engaged with the other two, I tried to slap him on the rump. But he saw me coming and turned on me with a roar. I had had enough. I turned and fled. I felt his hot breath on my heels; I readied myself for his tearing horns. I ran without once looking back, and dived over the barrier at last—to find a small boy, chewing nuts, who remarked: “You needn't have run so hard you know. He hasn't been chasing you, he's gone home.”

Laurie Lee,英国作家,其最为著名的代表作是Cider with Rosie, 这是一部自传体乡村生活故事集。除此之外,他的重要作品还有As I Worked Out Midsummer Morning, 也是自传体形式。本文选自他的The Listener。





而全文的结尾耐人寻味。连续两次失败之后,“我”终于锐气大减,生怕再受到重创,落荒而逃。而紧张的神经居然绷得不是地方,一个小孩子,嚼着栗子,说: “You needn't have run so hard you know. He hasn't been chasing you, he's gone home.” 轻轻一笔,以贯穿全文的幽默笔调结束。

以A Night of Excitement 为题,仿照本文写一篇记叙文。
