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自助杂志 -  0016期

Recession Results in Cuts -- Haircuts
        Hundreds of poor Argentines have turned to selling their hair to a wig factory to survive a huge economic crisis, taking advantage of a plunging currency that priced imports out of the market.

        G.A. Peluca factory, in the north-western town of Rosario, opted for supplies of locally grown "natural" hair when it faced a shortage of Russian synthetic wigs after the peso plunged in value by nearly two thirds this year.

        The market rate for locally-grown human hair is around $11 per five ounces, a company official said. All hair must be 1 foot long to be fit for the wig.

        "We searched for natural hair in the local market to get a better and cheaper product than synthetic hair," the official said.

        Rosario, one of the poorest cities in this South American country of 36 million people, was a center of food looting in December that overthrew then-President Fernando de la Rua and heralded months of political and economic chaos.

        Nearly one in two Argentines live on a few dollars a day and one in five of the workforce is unemployed after a four- year recession in Latin America's third largest economy.


opt for: 选择
peso: 阿根廷货币单位,比索
food looting: 哄抢食物
herald: vt. 宣布,预告

货币贬值政府削减进口商品 逼上梁山国人"削减"头发


        由于今年的经济危机造成阿根廷比索大幅度贬值,位于阿根廷西北部罗萨里奥市的G.A. Peluca假发制造厂无法继续进口俄罗斯的用于制造假发的合成纤维,因此现在这个工厂只得选择当地"自然生长"的头发作为原料。




