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自助杂志 -  0012期

English -- A World Language?

It is often said that English is quickly becoming a world language. It is certainly the most widely used language in the world, but there are certain dangers in choosing English as an international language.

First of all, owing to political reasons and national pride, English is not acceptable to everyone as a world language. In France, a new word Fraiglais has been invented to describe the results.

Another danger is that differences in Standard English arise from its use throughout the world. Already Indian teachers and Nigerian students have been unable to understand each other's English. The dialects of West Africa and the Caribbean are not normally understood by users of any of the standard forms of English.

It has also been said that the choice of English will make native speakers unwilling to learn other languages, as a result of their satisfaction with their own. But, for better or worse, it is English that is being taught most widely throughout the world. Indeed, some would say it has already become the world language.
这篇文章用列举和举例法讲述了英语成为国际语言的几点危险性。本文条理清晰,第一段是topic paragraph, 摆出了作者的观点:选择英语作为国际语言的确有其危险性。文中红色句子清楚地提出论点,一般被称为thesis statement。接下来在每一段都采用了英语议论文的常用段落结构:分论点+论据。表示分论点的句子叫做主题句(topic sentence),在文中用蓝色标出。本文各段的主题句分别概述了英语作为世界语言的危险性,然后用摆事实讲道理的方法来说明。这使文章看起来既有粗略概括的理论,又有使人信服的事实作基础。这些列举的事实都是紧紧围绕着dangers这个主题,使人看后觉得文章有血有肉,不是单调的几个论点的罗列。
